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The Big Push 2000

Ian "Wheelying" with Stoney - Copyright Times and Star

What is it?

The Big Push 2000 is an attempt to beat the World Wheelchair Pushing Record which currently stands at 216.263 miles in 24 hours!

Why Do it?

To break the World Record; to raise awareness about Cerebral Palsy; to Raise money for the Cumbria Cerebral Palsy Society; and to have fun!

How is it Organised?

The push starts at 5.00 PM Friday 8th September 2000 and ends a 5.00 PM Saturday 9th September 2000.

Runners either individually or in teams push a person in a wheelchair around the Copeland Stadium running track.

Each Runner pushes a lap in turn, after the lap is complete the Runner signs and Prints their name in the log.

Who can enter?

Anyone can enter, provided that you are able to push a person, in a wheelchair, while running round an athletics track.

Are there Prizes?

Yes there are prizes for the Fastest Lap and the Best team.



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