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What is Cerebral Palsy

No two people with cerebral palsy are the same.
It is as individual as the people themselves.

If someone has cerebral palsy, it means that part of their brain either is not working properly or has not developed normally. The affected area is usually one of the parts that control the muscles and certain body movements.

In some people cerebral palsy is barely noticeable whilst others may be more severe affected. No two people with cerebral palsy are the same. It is as individual as the people themselves.

Who has Cerebral Palsy

About 1500 babies in Britain are born with or develop cerebral palsy each year. It can affect boys and girls, and people from all races and social backgrounds.

How is it Caused

The impairment to the brain which causes cerebral palsy usually happens before, around or soon after birth. There are various causes e.g. an infection in the mother during the early weeks of pregnancy, a difficult pre-term birth.

What are its effects

People with cerebral palsy cannot control some or all of their movements. Some people are hardly affected at all. Some will have difficult, talking, walking or using their hands. Some will be unable to sit up without support and will need help to do most everyday tasks. Cerebral palsy is not progressive; it does not become more severe as a person gets older.

Is there a cure

No. It is still not known why cerebral palsy occurs or how it can be prevented. Much more research on the condition is needed. However, correct treatment from an early age can ease the effects and, with support, many severely handicapped people are able to lead full and independent lives.

Children with Cerebral Palsy

Children with cerebral palsy have the same needs as other children. They need love friendship attention and encouragement.

They need other people the chance to learn social skills and the opportunity to build up their confidence and self esteem.

How can Children with Cerebral Palsy be helped

If children are lifted held and positioned well from an early age, and encouraged to play in a way that helps them to improve their posture and muscle control, they can learn a lot and lead full filling lives. Physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy can all help. Micro technology can help children with physical disabilities to establish independence and enjoy experiences similar to those of other children the same age.


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